Praising God Through Prayer

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, 
and his courts with praise! 
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
Psalm 100:4

As intercessors, we understand that prayer is a vital part of our relationship with God.

The teachings on prayer reveal its diverse forms, including repenting, pleading, yielding, and laboring in prayer for others. However, one of the most potent forms of prayer is praise, a powerful weapon bestowed upon us by the Lord. 

When incorporated into our prayers, praise can be used by the Holy Spirit to inspire and transform us. When we praise God through prayer, we are not just acknowledging His greatness, but allowing praise to align our hearts with His divine being, bringing about a profound transformation in our lives.

The Psalmist encourages us to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise. He calls us to focus on God’s goodness and greatness, to be in awe of His majestic nature and unending love. 

Friends, giving praise to God brings our hearts into alignment as we think about who He is and the work He has done and continues to do. Our focus moves from an earthly perspective to a heavenly perspective. As the children’s song that came out some years ago says, “it’s amazing what praising can do.”

Please, pray with me.

Heavenly Father, 

I come before you with a heart of gratitude and praise. 

Thank you for first loving me, forgiving me of my sins, and giving me salvation through your son when I called upon Him to enter my life as Lord and Savior. Today, in the midst of all the troubles we experience in our personal lives and the issues we face around the world, I desire to praise You and express gratitude for how great You are. 

Help me to stay focused on You and to praise You no matter my circumstances. 

I thank You for Your faithfulness, and my heart’s desire is to honor and glorify Your Holy Name. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

I encourage you to take time daily to praise God. As you continue this practice, I pray you remain focused on God’s goodness and have an attitude of gratitude.

If you’re finding it difficult to express your praise to God in the moment, try writing down reasons you can praise God, such as His forgiveness. Once you have your list, take time to give thanks and invite the Holy Spirit to use these characteristics of God in your life to be more like Jesus.

Join Me in Prayer

As you know, I lead several prayer calls each week. I invite you to participate in any of them. Praying aloud, praying silently, or just silently listening is welcome. Below is a list of all the prayer call opportunities, followed by the toll-free number and instructions on to join the calls.

Saturday Prayer Call
Every Saturday @ 7:30 am EST
Focus: Seven Mountains of Influence and a ministry time for fellow intercessors

Monday Prayer Call
Every Monday @ 11:00 am EST
Focus: Family

Wednesday Prayer Call
Every Wednesday @ 3:00 pm EST
Focus: US Government including Federal, State, Local, and US Military

Louisiana Prayer Call
Every Monday @ 8:00 pm CST
Focus: The governor and issues concerning Louisiana

Phone number: 425-436-6287 
When prompted, dial: 970542#

If you know someone who might be interested in these ministry updates or joining me for prayer opportunities, feel free to share this post and invite them to join us. I can also include them in our weekly email reminders about prayer calls if they email me at

With a Grateful Heart,
Pastor Jay