Like so many others, we just went through an intense storm here in Louisiana with Hurricane Ida. I prayed, read scripture, and praise God as the fierce storm passed through Louisiana. I heard sounds like never before in my life.
My friend Mark Hall, the lead singer of Casting Crowns, wrote a song sixteen years ago titled “Praise You In This Storm”. Here is part of the chorus:
“You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm”
Even through the storms, whether they be emotional, spiritual, physical, etc, God is with us. I am grateful that Jerilyn and I are safe. We relocated to the Baton Rouge area last month. Like many, we are without electricity but blessed by God’s safety and protection over us.
On Monday, after Hurricane Ida passed, I went out into the neighborhood to check on neighbors and assist the people. I went to check on our son’s home and his place of business. I am grateful both looked well and did not sustain damage.
However, many other homes and businesses sustained a lot of damage, and I will be spending time serving where God leads me over the following days and weeks to come.
In my journey yesterday, I encountered people that were dazed and emotionally spent. I invite you to join me in praying for the people and for churches to reach out to people — not just to help with their physical needs but to love on those who are hurting and pray with them.
I continue to minister along the I-12 Corridor and serve as the National Prayer Director for the Family Research Council. The opportunities to love and serve people are great. I am currently working to coordinate efforts in areas affected by Hurricane Ida.
If you are looking for a place to connect, let me know. Today is a great day to take a stand and support your neighbor. We see it best in 1 Corinthians 16:13:
“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.”
We need a great movement of God in the United States of America. We have seen so much destruction and heartache taking place.
I am finding people eager to talk, willing to pray, and willing to hear about Jesus and His love for them. As you recover from the storms or continue with your daily schedule, I encourage you to be on watch and share as God opens doors.
If you have not yet joined in on our Saturday Prayer Call, I invite you to join me on this Saturday morning. The call begins at 7:30 AM EST. You can call toll-free 425-436-6287, followed by the code 970542#.
The call is a nationwide call, and it is a great way to kick off your Saturday. I look forward to praying with you.
Thanks for your continuing support for Jay Johnston Ministry and your love and encouragement to Jerilyn and me.
With a Grateful Heart,
Pastor Jay